
Anti Doping

Drugs test advice Representation hearings Procedure and sanctions

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Sport Law, and Keith McGarry

Keith McGarry, the Senior Partner in SportsLawNI brings a wealth of experience as a solicitor and an acomplished sportsman to his position.

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Have a question about Sports Law in Northern Ireland?
call us on 028 9267 2760

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The Northern Ireland Sports Law Firm

Welcome to SportsLawNI - Northern Ireland's first specialist sports law company - here to give you the right legal advice and input to address your sporting law problem. The growth in sport as a business as well as the increasing awareness and use of litigation can mean that individuals (as players or club members), clubs, organisations and even those watching sport can now require specialist legal advice. At SportsLawNI, led by Keith McGarry, we have specialist training right across the spectrum of sport legal disciplines, from contracts and image rights to governance and eligibility.  If you have a legal problem in any area of sport and need expert advice get in touch.

Get in touch…

Sports Law N.I
39 Bow Street
BT28 1BJ

Email: keith@sportslawni.com
Telephone: 028 9267 2760
Twitter: @sportslawni